Tuesday, August 25, 2009


The last few days I've been harvesting herbs.
I've found some wonderful ideas online about what to do with them.

I've harvested basil, bee balm, stevia, shiso, mint, oregano, feverfew, angelica, marshmallow, lemon balm, rasberry leaf, purslane (a weed?), chamomile,......

There are so many more I wish I had planted and I intend to do so.
Have you heard of Mountain Rose Herbs?
They are a supplier of bulk herbs if you are not able to grow your own and they provide a wealth of information as well.
Sand Mountain herbs is a great resource too.

I'm trying out their idea of infusing herbs with fresh honey.
I've been wanting to make my own teas for some time....perhaps for little care packages for loved ones.

My garden is doing wonderful regardless of the deer nibbling the tops off from a few plants :)

This fall I am toying with different ideas for a separate herb garden.
I was a bit ambitious this year with the garden and I've found I don't care much for weeding. This weather seems to be like Maui for weeds. They bask in it and glow with health. Makes me quite irritable, lol.

We gave away the two Jersey Giant roosters.
The fellows were just too darn big and wouldn't give the hens a break. Poor girls.

Now we have the two banty roosters. The little guy is a feisty one. He will chase you and peck at your toes. He's temporary as he belongs to my neice.

It's nearly t ime for school to start. I'm not ready. I enjoy having the companionship during the day. I'm going to miss them.
It is hard for me to imagine that one day I will have no children living at home.
Honestly I don't even want to think a bout it.

Bike rides have been lovely as of late. The path is surrounded by brambles or berry bushes and riding though them is nearly intoxicating.
Our house is surrounded as well. Sometimes I can hardly believe the scent is so strong. It's lovely. Reminds me of girlish desserts.
Back home is was the russian olive trees that made me drunk with memories.
I've been smelling the blooms on those trees since I was a girl. Sticky and not the prettiest trees, but their perfume could take you worlds away.

It's time to put in my winter garden. Would anyone like to volunteer to come pull weeds? No... I didn't think so.

We have been here now for nearly a year.
I'd like to do without the rain and the gray skies, but the moderate temperature has been glorious. Did I mention that my magnolia and crocus think it's spring again...yes I think I might have.

I've been quilting. Getting ready for winter.
This summer my favorite spot has been on my swing on the back porch . I think it will continue to be my favorite spot all through the year. Well.....as long as I can find a really big umbrella.

Off to blanch some beans.

Please forgive any mispellings or typos as I've been struggling this weeks with my arms :) You should read some of my texts...hahahaha


lettuce I let go to seed (before the deer ate it)

On a really bad day I stepped outside to this...and felt better.

A recent outing

One of the two deer who enjoy my buffet garden


The kiddos and I braving the humidty at Sahalie Falls

This is in the woods, near the falls


  1. Where you live looks positively magical! I adore the outdoors. Love it. I am so excited for the fall, it is my favorite time of year. My kids found loads of acorns the other day and I was giddy! I know what you mean about school, mine are both going and it will be the first time that I will be alone during the day, I miss them already!

  2. Wish I could join you on that porch! I love sitting out on mine but would love the scenery yours has over mine ;) That family pic is lovely. You are so beautiful <3

  3. I agree that it is magical here.
    I'm not worries anymore about my days....I'm hoping my plans for adventure work out.

    Thank you....I wish you could join me on this porch too. hugs
